Updated Corner Layout

After some communication with our placer, we’ve determined our exact location in Black Rock City this year! Our prior layout didn’t take into account positioning, beyond assuming we’d be on an arc somewhere in that region of the city. We found out we’re not only going to be right on the corner, we’re actually on the man-wards side of it! This updated layout is revised to take advantage of those facts, as well as ensuring adequate shade from the sun.

Based on the direction of the sunlight at our location, in the morning the sun will be streaming into the hookah lounge area but the divider will keep the tents in shade. As it grows later, the sun swings to the south. Some light will hit the outer lounge sections, but draped curtains will help provide shade. In the evening, the sun will start entering the back entrance to camp, but only a few tents should be affected.

30 short days until the Man burns!